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You have searched for drugs beginning with: L - 186 result(s) found

First Line Drugs First Line Drugs
Second Line Drugs Second Line Drugs
Specialist advised Specialist advised
Specialist Initiated Drugs Specialist Initiated Drugs
Hospital Only Drugs Hospital Only Drugs
Discouraged Discouraged
No comment available No comment available

NameTariffBNF Sub Paragraph
2.5 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lisinopril'View SPC on 'Lisinopril'View PIL on 'Lisinopril'
Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)
50 mcg tab Pack of 28
£0.61PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View SPC on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View PIL on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'
Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)
100 mcg tab Pack of 28
£0.62PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View SPC on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View PIL on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'
5 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.65PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lisinopril'View SPC on 'Lisinopril'View PIL on 'Lisinopril'
10 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.71PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lisinopril'View SPC on 'Lisinopril'View PIL on 'Lisinopril'
Loratadine Tablets
10 mg tab Pack of 30
£0.72PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs AntihistaminesView BNF Article on 'Loratadine Tablets'View SPC on 'Loratadine Tablets'View PIL on 'Loratadine Tablets'
25 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.72PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan'View SPC on 'Losartan'View PIL on 'Losartan'
Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)
25 mcg tab Pack of 28
£0.74PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View SPC on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'View PIL on 'Levothyroxine (Thyroxine)'
2 mg caps Pack of 30
£0.74PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimotility DrugsView BNF Article on 'Loperamide'View SPC on 'Loperamide'View PIL on 'Loperamide'
50 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.77PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan'View SPC on 'Losartan'View PIL on 'Losartan'
20 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.80PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lisinopril'View SPC on 'Lisinopril'View PIL on 'Lisinopril'
Lansoprazole Capsules
15 mg caps Pack of 28
£0.85PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Proton Pump InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'View SPC on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'View PIL on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'
Levonorgestrel (Norgeston)
30 mcg tab Pack of 35
£0.92PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Oral Progestogen-only ContraceptivesView BNF Article on 'Levonorgestrel'View SPC on 'Levonorgestrel'View PIL on 'Levonorgestrel'
100 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.94PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan'View SPC on 'Losartan'View PIL on 'Losartan'
Lansoprazole Capsules
30 mg caps Pack of 28
£1.12PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Proton Pump InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'View SPC on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'View PIL on 'Lansoprazole Capsules'
Carbomer 980 Liquid Gel (Lumecare)
0.2 % in 10g unit Pack of 1
£1.53PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Carbomer 980 Liquid Gel'View SPC on 'Carbomer 980 Liquid Gel'View PIL on 'Carbomer 980 Liquid Gel'
1 mg tab Pack of 28
£2.22PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Anxiolytics
PCT FORMULARY STATUSSecond Line Drugs Anxiolytics And Neuroleptics
View BNF Article on 'Lorazepam'View SPC on 'Lorazepam'View PIL on 'Lorazepam'
12.5 mg tab Pack of 28
£2.26PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan'View SPC on 'Losartan'View PIL on 'Losartan'
Loratadine Syrup
5 mg / 5ml Pack of 100
£2.72PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs AntihistaminesView BNF Article on 'Loratadine Syrup'View SPC on 'Loratadine Syrup'View PIL on 'Loratadine Syrup'
Lancets sterile single use (Neon Verifine Safety )
1.8 mm/28gauge Pack of 100
£2.99PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use 'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use 'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use '
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Lancets sterile single use (Neon Verifine Safety )
1.8 mm/30gauge Pack of 100
£2.99PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use 'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use 'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use '
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)
10 mg / ml (each 5ml Amp) Pack of 10
£3.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'View SPC on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'View PIL on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'
Liquid Paraffin Eye Ointment (Lacri-Lube)
3.5 g Ointment (3.5g unit) Pack of 1
£3.01PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Liquid Paraffin Eye Ointment'View SPC on 'Liquid Paraffin Eye Ointment'View PIL on 'Liquid Paraffin Eye Ointment'
Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)
20 mg / ml (each 5ml amp) Pack of 10
£3.20PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Local Anaesthetics
PCT FORMULARY STATUSHospital Only Drugs Drugs For Arrhythmias
View BNF Article on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'View SPC on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'View PIL on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'
Macrogol compound half-strength (Laxido Paediatric)
6.9 g oral powder sachets Pack of 30
£3.57PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Osmotic LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Macrogol compound half-strength'View SPC on 'Macrogol compound half-strength'View PIL on 'Macrogol compound half-strength'
Levonorgestrel (Emerres)
1.5 mg tablets Pack of 1
£3.65PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Oestrogens And HrtView BNF Article on 'Levonorgestrel'View SPC on 'Levonorgestrel'View PIL on 'Levonorgestrel'
Lancets sterile single use (GlucoRX Lancets)
0.31 mm / 30G Lancet Pack of 200
£4.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use'
Liquid and White Soft Paraffin Ointment
50 % / 50% ointment Pack of 500
£4.57PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs EmollientsView BNF Article on 'Liquid and White Soft Paraffin Ointment'View SPC on 'Liquid and White Soft Paraffin Ointment'View PIL on 'Liquid and White Soft Paraffin Ointment'
Lactulose Solution
1 unit (500mls) Pack of 500
£4.59PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Osmotic LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Lactulose Solution'View SPC on 'Lactulose Solution'View PIL on 'Lactulose Solution'
Carmellose (Lumecare Evolve Carmellose)
0.5 % eye drops p/f (10 ml unit) Pack of 1
£4.99PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Carmellose'View SPC on 'Carmellose'View PIL on 'Carmellose'
Lodoxamide (Alomide)
0.1 % eye drops (10 ml unit) Pack of 10
£5.21PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Other Anti-Inflammatory PreparationsView BNF Article on 'Lodoxamide'View SPC on 'Lodoxamide'View PIL on 'Lodoxamide'
Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)
20 mg / ml (each 2ml amp) Pack of 20
£5.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'View SPC on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'View PIL on 'Lidocaine 2% Injection (Lignocaine)'
Macrogol Laxative Sugar Free (Laxido Orange)
1 sachet SF Pack of 30
£5.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Osmotic LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Macrogol Laxative Sugar Free'View SPC on 'Macrogol Laxative Sugar Free'View PIL on 'Macrogol Laxative Sugar Free'
Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)
1 mg / ml (each 2ml Amp) Pack of 20
£5.54PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'View SPC on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'View PIL on 'Lidocaine 1% Injection (Lignocaine)'
Liquid paraffin light (Oilatum Junior bath additive )
1 unit (500ml) Pack of 500
£5.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Emollient Bath AdditivesView BNF Article on 'Liquid paraffin light'View SPC on 'Liquid paraffin light'View PIL on 'Liquid paraffin light'
Digoxin (Lanoxin)
50 mcg/ml elixir Pack of 60
£6.95PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Cardiac GlycosidesView BNF Article on 'Digoxin'View SPC on 'Digoxin'View PIL on 'Digoxin'
Permethrin Cream (Lyclear Dermal Cream)
5 % cream Pack of 30
£7.11PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Parasiticidal PreparationsView BNF Article on 'Permethrin Cream'View SPC on 'Permethrin Cream'View PIL on 'Permethrin Cream'
Folic Acid Solution (Lexpec)
2.5 mg/5ml SF Pack of 150
£9.16PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Drugs used in Megaloblastic AnaemiasView BNF Article on 'Folic Acid Solution'View SPC on 'Folic Acid Solution'View PIL on 'Folic Acid Solution'
Liquid paraffin light / Isopropyl myristate (Hydromol Bath & Shower emollient)
1000 ml Pack of 1
£9.45PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Bath emollient for infants up to the age of one as per NICE guidance EmollientsView BNF Article on 'Liquid paraffin light / Isopropyl myristate'View SPC on 'Liquid paraffin light / Isopropyl myristate'View PIL on 'Liquid paraffin light / Isopropyl myristate'
Bath emollient for infants up to the age of one as per NICE guidance
Edoxaban (Lixiana)
15 mg tablets Pack of 10
£17.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Oral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Edoxaban'View SPC on 'Edoxaban'View PIL on 'Edoxaban'
Insulin Detemir (Levemir Flexpen)
3 ml preloaded pen Pack of 5
£42.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Detemir'View SPC on 'Insulin Detemir'View PIL on 'Insulin Detemir'
Insulin Detemir (Levemir Penfill)
3 ml cartridge Pack of 5
£42.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Detemir'View SPC on 'Insulin Detemir'View PIL on 'Insulin Detemir'
Edoxaban (Lixiana)
30 mg tablets Pack of 28
£49.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Generic rivaroxaban (once daily) and generic apixaban (twice daily) are joint best-value DOACS for patients commencing treatment for atrial fibrillation Oral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Edoxaban'View SPC on 'Edoxaban'View PIL on 'Edoxaban'
Generic rivaroxaban (once daily) and generic apixaban (twice daily) are joint best-value DOACS for patients commencing treatment for atrial fibrillation
Edoxaban (Lixiana)
60 mg tablets Pack of 28
£49.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Generic rivaroxaban (once daily) and generic apixaban (twice daily) are joint best-value DOACS for patients commencing treatment for atrial fibrillation Oral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Edoxaban'View SPC on 'Edoxaban'View PIL on 'Edoxaban'
Generic rivaroxaban (once daily) and generic apixaban (twice daily) are joint best-value DOACS for patients commencing treatment for atrial fibrillation
Levonorgestrel IUD (Mirena Coil)
52 mg IUS (20mcg / 24hrs) Pack of 1
£88.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs IUD Progestogen-only DeviceView BNF Article on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'View SPC on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'View PIL on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'
Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops (Liquifilm Tears)
1.4 % Eye Drops (15ml Unit) Pack of 1
£1.93PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops'View SPC on 'Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops'View PIL on 'Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops'
10 mg tab Pack of 28
£2.17PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Calcium-Channel BlockersView BNF Article on 'Lercanidipine'View SPC on 'Lercanidipine'View PIL on 'Lercanidipine'
Lansoprazole Orodispersible
15 mg tab Pack of 28
£2.42PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Proton Pump InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'View SPC on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'View PIL on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'
Levothyroxine Sodium
75 mcg tablets Pack of 28
£2.64PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Levothyroxine Sodium'View SPC on 'Levothyroxine Sodium'View PIL on 'Levothyroxine Sodium'
Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet
50 /12.5mg tab Pack of 28
£3.25PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'View SPC on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'View PIL on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'
2.5 mg tab Pack of 28
£3.39PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Anxiolytics
PCT FORMULARY STATUSSecond Line Drugs Anxiolytics And Neuroleptics
View BNF Article on 'Lorazepam'View SPC on 'Lorazepam'View PIL on 'Lorazepam'
Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet
100 /25mg tab Pack of 28
£3.73PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'View SPC on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'View PIL on 'Losartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet'
Labetalol Tablets (Trandate)
50 mg tab Pack of 56
£3.79PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Labetalol (Trandate) 50mg tablets are being discontinued from 1 July 2025 Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking DrugsView BNF Article on 'Labetalol Tablets'View SPC on 'Labetalol Tablets'View PIL on 'Labetalol Tablets'
Labetalol (Trandate) 50mg tablets are being discontinued from 1 July 2025
20 mg tab Pack of 28
£3.79PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Calcium-Channel BlockersView BNF Article on 'Lercanidipine'View SPC on 'Lercanidipine'View PIL on 'Lercanidipine'
Lansoprazole Orodispersible
30 mg tab Pack of 28
£4.25PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Proton Pump InhibitorsView BNF Article on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'View SPC on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'View PIL on 'Lansoprazole Orodispersible'
Labetalol Tablets
100 mg tab Pack of 56
£4.69PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking DrugsView BNF Article on 'Labetalol Tablets'View SPC on 'Labetalol Tablets'View PIL on 'Labetalol Tablets'
Lancets sterile single use (GlucoRx Safety lancets)
1.6 mm/30 gauge lancet Pack of 100
£5.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use'
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Lancets sterile single use (GlucoRx Safety lancets)
1.8 mm/26 gauge lancet Pack of 100
£5.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use'
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Lancets sterile single use (GlucoRx Safety lancets)
1.8 mm/28 gauge lancet Pack of 100
£5.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use'
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Lancets sterile single use (GlucoRx Safety lancets)
2.2 mm/23 gauge lancet Pack of 100
£5.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets;
they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and
require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample.
They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test. Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Lancets sterile single use'View SPC on 'Lancets sterile single use'View PIL on 'Lancets sterile single use'
Safety lancets are considerably more expensive than standard lancets; they should only be prescribed for patients who are unable to self-test and require assistance from a healthcare worker to obtain a blood sample. They should not be prescribed for patients who self-test.
Liquid Paraffin Emollient Cream (Zerobase 11% Cream)
500 g unit Pack of 500
£5.58PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs EmollientsView BNF Article on 'Liquid Paraffin Emollient Cream'View SPC on 'Liquid Paraffin Emollient Cream'View PIL on 'Liquid Paraffin Emollient Cream'
Ostomy adhesive removers (Lift Plus 360)
1 medical adhesive remover 5506 ml Pack of 50
£6.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Adhesive Removers (Sprays/Liquids/Wipes)View BNF Article on 'Ostomy adhesive removers'View SPC on 'Ostomy adhesive removers'View PIL on 'Ostomy adhesive removers'
Estradiol transdermal spray (Lenzetto )
1.53 mg/dose Pack of 56
£6.90PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Oestrogens And HrtView BNF Article on 'Estradiol transdermal spray 'View SPC on 'Estradiol transdermal spray 'View PIL on 'Estradiol transdermal spray '
Tibolone (Livial)
2.5 mg tab Pack of 28
£10.36PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Oestrogens And HrtView BNF Article on 'Tibolone'View SPC on 'Tibolone'View PIL on 'Tibolone'
Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI (Luforbec )
100 mcgs/6mcgs inhaler (120 doses) Pack of 1
£13.98PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Corticosteroids (Respiratory)View BNF Article on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'View SPC on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'View PIL on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'
Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI (Luforbec )
200 mcgs/6mcgs inhaler (120 doses) Pack of 1
£13.98PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] High dose ICS for asthma only - please take advice from secondary care. Corticosteroids (Respiratory)View BNF Article on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'View SPC on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'View PIL on 'Beclometasone / Formoterol MDI'
High dose ICS for asthma only - please take advice from secondary care.
Mefloquine (Lariam)
250 mg tab Pack of 8
£14.53PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs AntimalarialsView BNF Article on 'Mefloquine'View SPC on 'Mefloquine'View PIL on 'Mefloquine'
Labetalol Tablets
200 mg tab Pack of 56
£14.99PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking DrugsView BNF Article on 'Labetalol Tablets'View SPC on 'Labetalol Tablets'View PIL on 'Labetalol Tablets'
Labetalol Tablets
400 mg tab Pack of 56
£19.64PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking DrugsView BNF Article on 'Labetalol Tablets'View SPC on 'Labetalol Tablets'View PIL on 'Labetalol Tablets'
70 mg tab Pack of 56
£21.29PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lofepramine'View SPC on 'Lofepramine'View PIL on 'Lofepramine'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
10 ml vial (100units / ml) Pack of 1
£25.69PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Lubiprostone (Amitiza)
24 mcg caps Pack of 28
£29.68PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Lubiprostone course of treatment for constipation is 2 weeks. See NICE guidance for advice on when it may be considered. 5HT4-receptor agonistsView BNF Article on 'Lubiprostone 'View SPC on 'Lubiprostone 'View PIL on 'Lubiprostone '
Lubiprostone course of treatment for constipation is 2 weeks. See NICE guidance for advice on when it may be considered.
Linagliptin (Trajenta)
5 mg tab Pack of 28
£33.26PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Other AntidiabeticsView BNF Article on 'Linagliptin'View SPC on 'Linagliptin'View PIL on 'Linagliptin'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml cartridge (for OptiPen / Autopen) Pack of 5
£34.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml SoloStar pen Pack of 5
£34.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml OptiSet pen Pack of 5
£41.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Lurasidone (Latuda)
18.5 mg tablets Pack of 28
£46.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antipsychotic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lurasidone'View SPC on 'Lurasidone'View PIL on 'Lurasidone'
Lurasidone (Latuda)
37 mg tablets Pack of 28
£46.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antipsychotic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lurasidone'View SPC on 'Lurasidone'View PIL on 'Lurasidone'
Lurasidone (Latuda)
74 mg tablets Pack of 28
£46.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antipsychotic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lurasidone'View SPC on 'Lurasidone'View PIL on 'Lurasidone'
Levonorgestrel IUD (Jaydess)
13.5 mg device Pack of 1
£69.22PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Jaydess (levonorgestrel) Intrauterine system is accepted as a third line option for women requesting long acting reversible contraception when an implant is unacceptable or unsuitable and a Mirena fitting has been or is likely to be unsuccessful. Jaydess provides 3 years of contraceptive cover compared to 5 years for Mirena. IUD Progestogen-only DeviceView BNF Article on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'View SPC on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'View PIL on 'Levonorgestrel IUD'
Jaydess (levonorgestrel) Intrauterine system is accepted as a third line option for women requesting long acting reversible contraception when an implant is unacceptable or unsuitable and a Mirena fitting has been or is likely to be unsuccessful. Jaydess provides 3 years of contraceptive cover compared to 5 years for Mirena.
Levonorgestrel (Kyleena)
19.5 mg intrauterine device Pack of 1
£76.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Kyleena is accepted onto the formulary where Mirena may not be appropriate Emergency contraceptionView BNF Article on 'Levonorgestrel'View SPC on 'Levonorgestrel'View PIL on 'Levonorgestrel'
Kyleena is accepted onto the formulary where Mirena may not be appropriate
Liraglutide Injection (Victoza)
6 mg/ml 3ml prefilled pen Pack of 2
£78.48PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Other AntidiabeticsView BNF Article on 'Liraglutide Injection'View SPC on 'Liraglutide Injection'View PIL on 'Liraglutide Injection'
Levothyroxine Oral Solution
100 mcg / 5ml SF Pack of 100
£126.92PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Levothyroxine Oral Solution'View SPC on 'Levothyroxine Oral Solution'View PIL on 'Levothyroxine Oral Solution'
2.5 mg tab Pack of 14
£0.87PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Breast CancerView BNF Article on 'Letrozole'View SPC on 'Letrozole'View PIL on 'Letrozole'
Latanoprost Eye Drops
2.5 ml Unit Pack of 1
£1.36PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Treatment Of GlaucomaView BNF Article on 'Latanoprost Eye Drops'View SPC on 'Latanoprost Eye Drops'View PIL on 'Latanoprost Eye Drops'
Hydrocortisone 17 Butyrate (Locoid)
0.1 % ointment (30g tube) Pack of 30
£1.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Potent Topical CorticosteroidsView BNF Article on 'Hydrocortisone 17 Butyrate'View SPC on 'Hydrocortisone 17 Butyrate'View PIL on 'Hydrocortisone 17 Butyrate'
Latanoprost / Timolol Eye Drops
2.5 ml Pack of 1
£1.63PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Treatment Of GlaucomaView BNF Article on 'Latanoprost / Timolol Eye Drops'View SPC on 'Latanoprost / Timolol Eye Drops'View PIL on 'Latanoprost / Timolol Eye Drops'
25 mg tab Pack of 56
£1.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
250 mg tab Pack of 60
£1.85PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
10 mg tab Pack of 30
£1.91PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Rheumatic Disease Suppressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Leflunomide'View SPC on 'Leflunomide'View PIL on 'Leflunomide'
Lidocaine / Adrenaline Injection (Xylocaine)
1 % (20ml vial) Pack of 1
£1.93PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Should be used only by doctors with anaesthetic training and should not be administered parenterally unless resuscitation equipment is available Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine / Adrenaline Injection'View SPC on 'Lidocaine / Adrenaline Injection'View PIL on 'Lidocaine / Adrenaline Injection'
Should be used only by doctors with anaesthetic training and should not be administered parenterally unless resuscitation equipment is available
50 mg tab Pack of 56
£2.25PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
20 mg tab Pack of 30
£2.30PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Rheumatic Disease Suppressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Leflunomide'View SPC on 'Leflunomide'View PIL on 'Leflunomide'
100 mg tab Pack of 56
£2.81PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
Liquid Feed (Vital 1.5k)
200 ml liquid Pack of 200
£3.05PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Foods For Special DietsView BNF Article on 'Liquid Feed'View SPC on 'Liquid Feed'View PIL on 'Liquid Feed'
750 mg tab Pack of 60
£3.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
250 mg tablets Pack of 5
£4.12PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU)
 QuinolonesView BNF Article on 'Levofloxacin'View SPC on 'Levofloxacin'View PIL on 'Levofloxacin'
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU)
200 mg tab Pack of 56
£4.61PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
500 mg tab Pack of 60
£4.68PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
1000 mg tab Pack of 60
£4.80PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
500 mg tablets Pack of 5
£5.26PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU)
 QuinolonesView BNF Article on 'Levofloxacin'View SPC on 'Levofloxacin'View PIL on 'Levofloxacin'
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU)
100 mg/ml oral solution Pack of 300
£6.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Betamethasone / Clotrimazole Cream (Lotriderm)
30 g cream Pack of 30
£6.34PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Potent Topical CorticosteroidsView BNF Article on 'Betamethasone / Clotrimazole Cream'View SPC on 'Betamethasone / Clotrimazole Cream'View PIL on 'Betamethasone / Clotrimazole Cream'
Lamotrigine Dispersible
25 mg dispersible tab Pack of 56
£8.25PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Latanoprost eye drops (Monopost)
50 mg/ml eye drops 0.2ml preservative free Pack of 30
£8.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Monopost eye drops (latanoprost unit dose vials) are accepted for use in patients who have proven sensitivity to the preservative benzalkonium chloride and should be used in preference to tafluprost. Monopost  is substantially more expensive than the equivalent generic multi-dose eye drop preparation with preservative. Treatment Of GlaucomaView BNF Article on 'Latanoprost eye drops'View SPC on 'Latanoprost eye drops'View PIL on 'Latanoprost eye drops'
Monopost eye drops (latanoprost unit dose vials) are accepted for use in patients who have proven sensitivity to the preservative benzalkonium chloride and should be used in preference to tafluprost. Monopost is substantially more expensive than the equivalent generic multi-dose eye drop preparation with preservative.
Lamotrigine Dispersible
5 mg dispersible tab Pack of 28
£9.13PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Lamotrigine Dispersible (Lamictal Dispersible)
5 mg tab dispersible Pack of 28
£9.38PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Lidocaine with Adrenaline
1 % / 1 in 200,000 Injection 20mL Pack of 1 Pack of 1
£9.90PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Should be used only by doctors with anaesthetic training and should not be administered parenterally unless resuscitation equipment is available Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine with Adrenaline'View SPC on 'Lidocaine with Adrenaline'View PIL on 'Lidocaine with Adrenaline'
Should be used only by doctors with anaesthetic training and should not be administered parenterally unless resuscitation equipment is available
Latanoprost/Netarsudil (Roclanda)
50 mcg/ml / 200mcg/ml eye drops (2.5ml) Pack of 1
£10.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Accepted for use in line with NICE TA 1009 Treatment Of GlaucomaView BNF Article on 'Latanoprost/Netarsudil'View SPC on 'Latanoprost/Netarsudil'View PIL on 'Latanoprost/Netarsudil'
Accepted for use in line with NICE TA 1009
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
50 mg/12.5mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
75 mg/18.75mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
100 mg/25mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
125 mg/31.25mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
150 mg/37.5mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
175 mg/43.75mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone (Sastravi)
200 mg/50mg/200mg tablets Pack of 30
£10.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View SPC on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'View PIL on 'Levodopa / Carbidopa / Entacapone'
Lacosamide tab (Vimpat)
50 mg tab Pack of 14
£10.81PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components. Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide tab'View SPC on 'Lacosamide tab'View PIL on 'Lacosamide tab'
Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components.
Lithium Citrate Solution (Priadel)
5.4 mmol/5ml (520mg/5ml) Pack of 150
£12.11PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Antimanic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lithium Citrate Solution'View SPC on 'Lithium Citrate Solution'View PIL on 'Lithium Citrate Solution'
Latanoprost / Timolol (Fixapost)
50 mcgs ml / 5mg/ml eye drops 0.2ml UD p/f Pack of 30
£13.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Treatment Of GlaucomaView BNF Article on 'Latanoprost / Timolol 'View SPC on 'Latanoprost / Timolol 'View PIL on 'Latanoprost / Timolol '
Lamotrigine Dispersible
100 mg dispersible tab Pack of 56
£13.78PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Liquid Diet (Survimed OPD)
1000 ml easybag Pack of 1000
£15.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Enteral NutritionView BNF Article on 'Liquid Diet'View SPC on 'Liquid Diet'View PIL on 'Liquid Diet'
Lithium Carbonate MR (Priadel)
200 mg Tab MR Pack of 100
£16.42PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Antimanic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'View SPC on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'View PIL on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'
Lithium Carbonate MR (Priadel)
400 mg Tab MR Pack of 100
£18.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Antimanic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'View SPC on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'View PIL on 'Lithium Carbonate MR'
Lamotrigine Dispersible
2 mg dispersible tab Pack of 30
£18.81PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Levetiracetam (Desitrend)
250 mg granules sachets SF Pack of 60
£22.41PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Neocate Special Diet Food (LCP)
1 unit LCP (400g powder) Pack of 1
£22.98PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Infant formula - Condition specific [Severe cows milk p/aller or multiple food allergies (091310)]View BNF Article on 'Neocate Special Diet Food'View SPC on 'Neocate Special Diet Food'View PIL on 'Neocate Special Diet Food'
Lamotrigine Dispersible (Lamictal Dispersible)
25 mg tab dispersible Pack of 56
£23.53PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Galantamine XL (Luventa XL)
8 mg capsules Pack of 28
£25.42PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Drugs for DementiaView BNF Article on 'Galantamine XL'View SPC on 'Galantamine XL'View PIL on 'Galantamine XL'
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
250 mg tab Pack of 60
£28.01PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Galantamine XL (Luventa XL)
16 mg capsules Pack of 28
£31.80PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Drugs for DementiaView BNF Article on 'Galantamine XL'View SPC on 'Galantamine XL'View PIL on 'Galantamine XL'
Linaclotide (Constella)
290 microgram caps Pack of 28
£37.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] If patients have not experienced improvement in their symptoms after 4 weeks of treatment, the patient should be re-examined and the benefit and risks of continuing treatment reconsidered. 5HT4-receptor agonistsView BNF Article on 'Linaclotide'View SPC on 'Linaclotide'View PIL on 'Linaclotide'
If patients have not experienced improvement in their symptoms after 4 weeks of treatment, the patient should be re-examined and the benefit and risks of continuing treatment reconsidered.
Lacosamide Syrup (Vimpat)
15 mg/ml syrup (200ml unit) Pack of 200
£38.61PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components. Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide Syrup'View SPC on 'Lacosamide Syrup'View PIL on 'Lacosamide Syrup'
Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components.
Galantamine XL (Luventa XL)
24 mg capsules Pack of 28
£39.10PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Drugs for DementiaView BNF Article on 'Galantamine XL'View SPC on 'Galantamine XL'View PIL on 'Galantamine XL'
Levetiracetam (Desitrend)
500 mg granules sachets SF Pack of 60
£39.46PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
50 mg tab Pack of 56
£40.02PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
500 mg tab Pack of 60
£49.32PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
20 mg cap Pack of 28
£54.62PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Liothyronine Capsules
5 mcg capsules Pack of 28
£55.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Only to be prescribed for existing patients. No new patient initiations. Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View SPC on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View PIL on 'Liothyronine Capsules'
Only to be prescribed for existing patients. No new patient initiations.
Liothyronine Capsules
20 mcg capsules Pack of 28
£55.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Only to be prescribed for existing patients. No new patient initiations. Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View SPC on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View PIL on 'Liothyronine Capsules'
Only to be prescribed for existing patients. No new patient initiations.
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
30 mg cap Pack of 28
£58.24PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters
5 % medicated plasters Pack of 30
£61.54PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters (Grunenthal Ltd) is the new name for “Ralvo”
Prescribing note: Please prescribe as Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters (Grunenthal Ltd) for cost-effective choice
 Neuropathic PainView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters'View SPC on 'Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters'View PIL on 'Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters'
Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters (Grunenthal Ltd) is the new name for “Ralvo” Prescribing note: Please prescribe as Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters (Grunenthal Ltd) for cost-effective choice
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
40 mg cap Pack of 28
£62.82PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Liothyronine Capsules
10 mcg capsules Pack of 28
£65.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Thyroid HormonesView BNF Article on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View SPC on 'Liothyronine Capsules'View PIL on 'Liothyronine Capsules'
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
50 mg cap Pack of 28
£68.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
100 mg tab Pack of 56
£69.04PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
Lamotrigine Dispersible (Lamictal Dispersible)
100 mg tab dispersible Pack of 56
£69.04PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine Dispersible'
Lidocaine (Versatis)
5 % medicated plasters Pack of 30
£72.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Neuropathic PainView BNF Article on 'Lidocaine'View SPC on 'Lidocaine'View PIL on 'Lidocaine'
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
60 mg cap Pack of 28
£75.18PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Levetiracetam (Desitrend)
1000 mg granules sachets SF Pack of 60
£76.27PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Lisdexamfetamine Caps (Elvanse)
70 mg cap Pack of 28
£83.16PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed. CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View SPC on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'View PIL on 'Lisdexamfetamine Caps'
Lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) is accepted onto the formulary as part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6 years of age and over when treatment with previous methylphenidate treatment has failed.
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
750 mg tab (film coated) Pack of 60
£84.02PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Lacosamide tab (Vimpat)
100 mg tab Pack of 56
£86.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components. Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide tab'View SPC on 'Lacosamide tab'View PIL on 'Lacosamide tab'
Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components.
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
1000 mg tab Pack of 60
£95.34PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Levetiracetam'View SPC on 'Levetiracetam'View PIL on 'Levetiracetam'
Sodium clodronate (Loron)
520 mg Tab Pack of 60
£114.44PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Biphosphonates and Other DrugsView BNF Article on 'Sodium clodronate'View SPC on 'Sodium clodronate'View PIL on 'Sodium clodronate'
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
200 mg tab Pack of 56
£117.35PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lamotrigine'View SPC on 'Lamotrigine'View PIL on 'Lamotrigine'
500 mg chewable tablets S/F Pack of 90
£124.06PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Phosphate Binding AgentsView BNF Article on 'Lanthanum'View SPC on 'Lanthanum'View PIL on 'Lanthanum'
Lacosamide tab (Vimpat)
150 mg tab Pack of 56
£129.74PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components. Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide tab'View SPC on 'Lacosamide tab'View PIL on 'Lacosamide tab'
Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components.
Lacosamide tab (Vimpat)
200 mg tab Pack of 56
£144.16PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components. Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide tab'View SPC on 'Lacosamide tab'View PIL on 'Lacosamide tab'
Lacosamide contains soya and peanut oil and should not be given to patients with an allergy to either of these components.
750 mg chewable tablets S/F Pack of 90
£182.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Phosphate Binding AgentsView BNF Article on 'Lanthanum'View SPC on 'Lanthanum'View PIL on 'Lanthanum'
750 oral powder sachets Pack of 90
£182.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Phosphate Binding AgentsView BNF Article on 'Lanthanum'View SPC on 'Lanthanum'View PIL on 'Lanthanum'
1 g chewable tablets sugar free Pack of 90
£193.59PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Phosphate Binding AgentsView BNF Article on 'Lanthanum'View SPC on 'Lanthanum'View PIL on 'Lanthanum'
Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (Lokelma)
5 g oral powder sachets Pack of 30
£213.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Oral PotassiumView BNF Article on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'View SPC on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'View PIL on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'
Leuprorelin Injection (Prostap 3)
11.25 mg dual chamber syringe (DCS) Pack of 1
£225.72PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Prostate Cancer & Gonadorelin AnaloguesView BNF Article on 'Leuprorelin Injection'View SPC on 'Leuprorelin Injection'View PIL on 'Leuprorelin Injection'
Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (Lokelma)
10 g oral powder sachets Pack of 30
£427.20PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Oral PotassiumView BNF Article on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'View SPC on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'View PIL on 'Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate'
Lanreotide Injection (Somatuline Autogel)
60 mg prefilled syringe Pack of 1
£551.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Somatostatin AnaloguesView BNF Article on 'Lanreotide Injection'View SPC on 'Lanreotide Injection'View PIL on 'Lanreotide Injection'
Lanreotide Injection (Somatuline Autogel)
90 mg prefilled syringe Pack of 1
£736.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Somatostatin AnaloguesView BNF Article on 'Lanreotide Injection'View SPC on 'Lanreotide Injection'View PIL on 'Lanreotide Injection'
Lanreotide Injection (Somatuline Autogel)
120 mg prefilled syringe Pack of 1
£937.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Somatostatin AnaloguesView BNF Article on 'Lanreotide Injection'View SPC on 'Lanreotide Injection'View PIL on 'Lanreotide Injection'
Lorazepam (Ativan)
4 mg/ml amp Pack of 10
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Anxiolytics
PCT FORMULARY STATUSHospital Only Drugs Drugs Used In Status Epilepticus
PCT FORMULARY STATUSSecond Line Drugs Anxiolytics And Neuroleptics
View BNF Article on 'Lorazepam'View SPC on 'Lorazepam'View PIL on 'Lorazepam'
Lacosamide Infusion (Vimpat)
10 mg/ml (20ml unit) solution for infusion Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Lacosamide Infusion'View SPC on 'Lacosamide Infusion'View PIL on 'Lacosamide Infusion'
Progesterone (Lubion)
25 mg/1.112ml solution for injection vials Pack of 7
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs [Notes:] Please be advised that this should only be prescribed through the IVF clinics and not via primary care
 ProgestogensView BNF Article on 'Progesterone'View SPC on 'Progesterone'View PIL on 'Progesterone'
Please be advised that this should only be prescribed through the IVF clinics and not via primary care
Lamivudine (Zeffix)
100 mg tab Pack of 28
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs HIV InfectionView BNF Article on 'Lamivudine'View SPC on 'Lamivudine'View PIL on 'Lamivudine'
Lamivudine (Epivir)
150 mg tab Pack of 60
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs HIV InfectionView BNF Article on 'Lamivudine'View SPC on 'Lamivudine'View PIL on 'Lamivudine'
Liraglutide injection (Saxenda )
6 mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pen Pack of 5
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs [Notes:] To be prescribed via specialist weight management service only Other AntidiabeticsView BNF Article on 'Liraglutide injection'View SPC on 'Liraglutide injection'View PIL on 'Liraglutide injection'
To be prescribed via specialist weight management service only
Lamivudine / Zidovudine (Combivir)
150 / 300mg tab Pack of 60
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs HIV InfectionView BNF Article on 'Lamivudine / Zidovudine'View SPC on 'Lamivudine / Zidovudine'View PIL on 'Lamivudine / Zidovudine'
600 mg tablets Pack of 10
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs [Notes:] 1.	Linezolid should only be initiated in a hospital environment and after consultation with a relevant specialist such as a microbiologist. In exceptional circumstances it may be considered appropriate for a GP to commence treatment in a primary care setting (off-license use), only under the recommendation and supervision of a microbiologist. This should be discussed on an individual patient basis. Some Other AntibioticsView BNF Article on 'Linezolid'View SPC on 'Linezolid'View PIL on 'Linezolid'
1. Linezolid should only be initiated in a hospital environment and after consultation with a relevant specialist such as a microbiologist. In exceptional circumstances it may be considered appropriate for a GP to commence treatment in a primary care setting (off-license use), only under the recommendation and supervision of a microbiologist. This should be discussed on an individual patient basis.
600 mg/300ml infusion bags Pack of 10
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Some Other AntibioticsView BNF Article on 'Linezolid'View SPC on 'Linezolid'View PIL on 'Linezolid'
Ritlecitinib (Litfulo)
50 mg capsules Pack of 30
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs [Notes:] For use in line with NICE TA958 Shampoos And Some Other Scalp Prep'sView BNF Article on 'Ritlecitinib'View SPC on 'Ritlecitinib'View PIL on 'Ritlecitinib'
For use in line with NICE TA958
Lenalidomide (Revlimid )
2.5 mg capsules Pack of 21
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lenalidomide'View SPC on 'Lenalidomide'View PIL on 'Lenalidomide'
Lenalidomide (Revlimid )
5 mg capsules Pack of 21
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lenalidomide'View SPC on 'Lenalidomide'View PIL on 'Lenalidomide'
Lenalidomide (Revlimid )
10 mg capsules Pack of 21
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lenalidomide'View SPC on 'Lenalidomide'View PIL on 'Lenalidomide'
Lenalidomide (Revlimid )
15 mg capsules Pack of 21
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lenalidomide'View SPC on 'Lenalidomide'View PIL on 'Lenalidomide'
Lenalidomide (Revlimid )
25 mg capsules Pack of 21
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Lenalidomide'View SPC on 'Lenalidomide'View PIL on 'Lenalidomide'
Alemtuzumab solution for infusion vials (Lemtrada)
12 mg/1.2ml concentrate Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Anti-lymphocyte monoclonal antibodiesView BNF Article on 'Alemtuzumab solution for infusion vials'View SPC on 'Alemtuzumab solution for infusion vials'View PIL on 'Alemtuzumab solution for infusion vials'
Lumacaftor / Ivacaftor (Orkambi)
200 mg/125mg tablets Pack of 112
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs MucolyticsView BNF Article on 'Lumacaftor / Ivacaftor'View SPC on 'Lumacaftor / Ivacaftor'View PIL on 'Lumacaftor / Ivacaftor'
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
300 mg Cap Pack of 56
£64.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Discouraged Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Pregabalin'View SPC on 'Pregabalin'View PIL on 'Pregabalin'
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
200 mg Cap Pack of 84
£96.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Discouraged Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Pregabalin'View SPC on 'Pregabalin'View PIL on 'Pregabalin'
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The Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 5AS