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NHS Prescriber Conference 2022

We are delighted to invite you to the annual Eclipse Conference. This years event will be held on the 9th and 10th November at Wyboston Lakes, Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AR.

Please put these dates in your diaries...

There are two free places per ICS with additional complementary places available on request. If you require more places do not hesitate to come back to us. To secure your complementary places please register by 30th September.

This years conference will demonstrate how you can use dynamic population healthcare to:

  1. Improve Capacity and Access for NHS services.
  2. Deliver the 16 NHSE National Medicines Optimisation opportunities.
  3. Support your Core20PLUS programmes and improve equality of outcomes, experience and access for vulnerable patient groups.
  4. Enhance productivity and equality through dynamic patient engagement, risk stratification and prioritisation of patient reviews.
  5. Improve value of healthcare through automated medicines optimisation and admissions avoidance.
  6. Empower Patient Led care through the new Eclipse Total Triage system (Automated quarterly reports for Long Term Conditions).

The theme for this years conference is how to use data insights to instantly support patient care (Insights to Impact) and how Primary Care, Emergency Care, Community Care and Secondary Care can all be protected by systematic and prioritised patient reviews.

The Eclipse Awards will also be presented at the event and as always, the opportunity to spend time with colleagues committed to supporting our NHS.

We will send out a detailed agenda soon but do please secure your place in the meantime.

Register your place now and our team will be in touch to confirm details.

The venue

Our conference venue is conveniently located at Wyboston Lakes, Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AR.
Wyboston Lakes

*Please note that for the CCGs of those individuals that sign up and do not attend there will be a charge of £195. (This will be waived if up to 7 days’ notice is given of non-attendance.)

Register Interest

Places are limited to two delegates per ICS Organisation.

Attendee 1 (primary contact):

Attendee 2:

Organisation Name:

Email Address:

Telephone Number: